Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document

Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document


Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document IntroductionThis project is aimed to aid the Library Management System of any organization in online way. Online Library Management System (OLIMs) as it  named is basically an intranet based application for providing usability both to the student and librarian with added security.The overall system operator is the librarian. He maintains the different policy required for the OLIMS. The main functions of the librarian includes maintenance of books.  Inside maintenance of books he can add, and delete operation on books. Other functions include maintain issue policy, maintain fine policy, view purchase requests, search for [...]

Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document2021-02-14T13:54:10+00:00

Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document


Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document Introduction Online Library Management System (LiMS):- This project is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the campus. This system can be used to search for books/magazines, reserve books, find out who is having a particular book, put in requests to buy a new book etc. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component and the librarian component     Purpose:- The purposes of this application are as follows: The software is for automation of library. It provides following facilities to Operator: Can enter details related to [...]

Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document2020-08-25T06:30:41+00:00

Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document


Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document Introduction for System Development “Library Search Engine” provides your personal account through which you can search books absolutely free and save your time to search book manually in the library. Problem Statement Why we develop this system because have we see, traditional use like manual has many disadvantages and not efficient. The problem of the current manual is: Slow retrieval of information.  Repetition of the same information.  Inaccurate or inconsistent information.  Concurrent access cannot be performed.  Security and integrity problem.  Backup and recovery problem.  Large human resources are required.  Reduce the paperwork [...]

Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document2020-08-06T03:03:31+00:00
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