Online Library Management System Capstone Project Document


This project is aimed to aid the Library Management System of any organization in online way. Online Library Management System (OLIMs) as it  named is basically an intranet based application for providing usability both to the student and librarian with added security.

The overall system operator is the librarian. He maintains the different policy required for the OLIMS. The main functions of the librarian includes maintenance of books.  Inside maintenance of books he can add, and delete operation on books. Other functions include maintain issue policy, maintain fine policy, view purchase requests, search for books, view fine details of a particular user and view books issued to a particular user.

The user (student/faculty/staff) is the end user. He/She can search books, view books issued to him/her, view fine details and request for purchasing a new book.

Requirement Analysis


Online Library Management System

Overview Statement

The project is aimed at developing an Online Library Management System(OLIMS) for the college library. This is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the campus.


National Institute of Science and Technology, Berhampur, Orissa.

 Goal of the Module

The project helps in issuing the books online for the college library that is an Intranet based application. It is used to search books, requests to buy a new book, calculate fines and many other applications.

 System Functions

Ref # Function Category
R1.11 The system should display the links to login into the system Evident
R1.12 It should show the links to three modules of the online library management system Loginas, Help, About us. Evident
R1.13 The system should have a link from allthe module to their respective pages. Evident
R1.14 It should provide facility for all users to choose proper category to login into the system. Evident
R1.15 The system should provide a login form where the userid and password  to be entered. Evident
R1.16 The system should automatically validate the userid and the password. Evident
R1.17  The system should ask for sign up to  new users. Evident
R1.18 It should  provide the registration form for new users to be signed up. Evident
R1.19 All the modules should display information according to the category of user who has logged in. Evident
R1.20 The book search module for the users should be able to search books through bookid, title, author, publication and category. Evident
R1.21 The issue details  module for the users should be able to display the issued details of a particular user. Evident
R1.22 The fine details  module for the users should be able to display the fine amount of a particular user. Evident
R1.23  The purchase request  module for the users should be able add new requests . Evident
R1.24 The change password module for the users should be able to change the password.  
R1.25 The system should be able to accept  the purchase request  made by the users. Evident
R1.26 The book information  module for the librarian should be able to display the  detail information of all  the books present in the library. Evident
R1.27 The book acquisition module for the librarian should be able to add new books to the library. Evident
R1.28 The book search module for the librarian should be able to search books through bookid, title, author, publication and category. Evident
R1.29 The book deletion module for the librarian should be able to delete  books from the library. Evident
R1.30 The book issue module for the librarian should be able to issue  the books. Evident
R1.31 The book return module for the librarian should be able to return  the books. Evident
R1.32 The request review module for the librarian should be able to display all the requests made by the users. Evident
R1.33 The change password module for the librarian should  be able to change the password. Evident
R1.34 The system should have a help screen to help the users. Evident

System Attributes

Attribute Detail and Boundary Constraint
Software Oracle(9i),JSP, Apache server, HTML, JavaScript
Hardware P-III or above,128 MB RAM or above,40 Gb Hard disk
Network Intranet based application

Entity Relationship Diagrams


Figure 3.1 ER Diagram

Dataflow Diagrams

Dataflow Diagram

Dataflow Diagram





Change Pass

Change Pass

List Of Use Cases And Scenarios


This use case is used to maintain the user  details like user category, userid and password.

Scenario #1.1 (normal)            LoginAs user

Scenario #1.2 (normal)           Add new user


This is used to maintain the book details.

Scenario #2.1 (normal)            Acquire  new book.

Scenario #2.2 (normal)           Delete  book

Scenario #2.3 (normal)           Books Issued


This is used  to maintain the transaction of books.

Scenario #3.1 (normal)            Issue a book

Scenario #3.2 (normal)            Return a book


This use case is used to maintain purchase request details.

Scenario #4.1 (normal)            Accept purchase request

Scenario #4.2 (normal)            View purchase request


This use case is used for displaying the fine details of a user.

Scenario #5.1 (normal)            View fine details

Use Case #6/SEARCH

This is used to search the books..

Scenario #6.1 (normal)            Search.

Use Case Specifications

Usecase Diagram

Usecase Diagram

Use Case #1                                                                                   Maintain User  Data

Module #/Name Online Library Management System
Actors Librarian, Faculty, Staff, Student
Purpose This use case is used to login the userid and password and also to create an account for the new user.
Overview The userid and the password of the user have to be entered.
Type Primary
Cross reference R1.11, R1.12, R1.13, R1.14, R1.15, R1.16, R1.17, R1.18, R1.19, R1.24, R1.33

Typical Course of Action

Scenario #1.1(normal)                                                                             LoginAs user


 Actor Action System Response
1 User types the userid in the login screen    
2 The user then types in the password assigned to him and clicks on “submit”. 3 The system then checks for the validity of the userid and password from the data base, if it is correct then the  user page is displayed for student, guest and teacher user and librarian page for the librarian.

Alternate Course:

Line 1: Empty or wrong userid  indicate error and  displays the error message along with the “BACK” button.

Line 2: Empty or wrong password indicate error and displays the error message along with the “BACK” button.

Scenario #1.1(normal)                                                                             Add new user


Typical Course of Action

 Actor Action System Response
1 Enter the new user details to be added    
2 Click SUBMIT to add the user details 3 Add the user details

Alternate Course:

Line 1: Invalid userid indicates error message with “BACK” button.

Use Case #2                                                                                            Maintain Book

Module #/Name Online Library Management System
Actors Librarian
Purpose To maintain the book information.
Overview Librarian should keep detail information of the books
Type Primary
Cross reference R1.21, 1.23, R1.24, R1.25, R1.34, R1.35

Typical Course of Action

Scenario #2.1(normal)                                                                     Acquire new book


 Actor Action System Response

Select the category under which the

book to be added

2 Enter the book details 3 System then verifies the information in the various fields and if correct   then  displays the success message.

Alternate Course:

Line 1:  Invalid bookid details indicate error

Scenario #2.2(normal)                                                                                Delete book


 Actor Action System Response
1 The Librarian clicks on the book deletion in the Librarian home page.    
2 The Librarian  fills the fields like bookid and the cause of deletion and then click “submit”.. 3 System then verifies the information in the fields and if correct then displays the success message.

Alternate Course:

Line 2:  Invalid bookid details indicate error

Scenario #2.3(normal)                                                                              Books Issued


Actor Action System Response
1 Enter the userid to view the issued book. 2 Displays the books issued.

Alternate Course:

Line 1:  Invalid userid details indicate error.

Use Case #3                                                                                Maintain Transaction

Module #/Name Online Library Management System
Actors Librarian
Purpose Used for issuing and canceling book to user.
Overview Librarian can issue a book to the users
Type Secondary
Cross reference R1.30,R1.31

Typical Course of Action

Scenario #3.1(normal)                                                                               Issue a book


Actor Action System Response
1 Enter the userid ,bookid,title,issue date and return dateto issue 2 System  should issue the book to the user.

Alternate Course:

Line 1:Invalid bookid and userid indicate error.

Scenario #3.2(normal)                                                              Return an issued book


Actor Action System Response
1 Enter the userid,bookid and return date 2 System should cancel the issued book

Alternate Course:

Line 1:Invalid  userid and bookid indicate error.

Use Case #4                                                                      Maintain Purchase Request

Module #/Name Online Library Management System
Actors Librarian,Faculty,Staff, Student
Purpose Used for adding / viewing the purchase request details.
Overview Librarian can view purchase request details and Faculty,staff and student can add purchase request .
Type Secondary
Cross reference R1.23, 1.25, 1.32

Typical Course of Action

Scenario #4.1(normal)                                                          Accept purchase request


 Actor Action System Response
1 Enter the userid and the purchase request . 2 System verifies the userid and if correct then adds the request with a success message.

Alternate Course:

Line 1: Invalid userid indicate error

Scenario #4.2(normal)                                                             View purchase request


Actor Action System Response
1 Ask for the request details. 2 Displays the purchase request.

Alternate Course:

Line 1: Invalid userid indicate error

Use Case #5                                                                                  Maintain  fine details

Module #/Name Online Library Management System
Actors Librarian,faculty,Staff,Student
Purpose Used for viewing the fine details.
Overview User can view the fine details.
Type Secondary
Cross reference R1.22

Typical Course of Action

Scenario #5.1(normal)                                                                        View fine details


Actor Action System Response
1 Enter the userid to request for the fine details. 2 System should display the fine details

Alternate Course:

Line 1: Invalid userid indicate error

Use Case #6                                                                                         Maintain Search

Module #/Name Online Library Management System
Actors Librarian, Staff, Faculty,  Student
Purpose Used for searching books.
Overview Able to search according to search category.
Type Secondary
Cross reference R1.20,R1.28

Typical Course of Action

Scenario #6.1(normal)                                                                                        Search

Use Case #6SEARCH

Actor Action System Response
1 User select the search category 2 Display the search output.

Technical Dictionary

  1. User: One who intends to use this software
  2. Invalid user: One who does not have a valid userid and password to access the system
  3. Valid user: One who does have a valid userid and password to access the system .
  4. Login: The event through which the user gains access to the system.
  5. Librarian: One who manages the whole Online Library Management System
  6. Input validation: The checking of details entered by the user at the interface level.

Persistence Design


This table  stores the information about the User login includes  category, userid,  password.


This table stores information about the students includes studid, studname, branch, batch, address, phoneno, mailed.


This table stores information about the employees (Faculty and Staff) includes empid, ename, desig, deptname, dateofjoin, mailed, phoneno, contactadd.


This table stores information about all the members of the library includes memid, memname, memtype, memdate.


This table stores all the details of book includes bookid, bookcat, tilte, authorname,   publishername, edition, pages, location, bookstatus, price, acquisitioned, acquisitiondate.


This table stores information about of transaction details stores bookid, memid, issuedate, returndate.


This table contains information of book request details  stores memid, title, author, edition, suggestion, requestdate.

Data Dictionaries

Table#/Name 1/LOGIN
Description Stores the information of user login
Type Master
Key(s) userid
Initial Size  
Growth Rate  
Designed by Nibha kumari, Subhalaxmi Chaudhury
Checked by Charulata Palai
Modifications NA
1. Userid Y String 9

It  stores the userid which is primary key in this table.

2. Category Y String 10

It stores the category of the user.

3. Password Y String 20

It stores the password entered by the user.

Table#/Name 2/STUDENT
Description Stores the information of student
Type Master
Key(s) studid
Initial Size  
Growth Rate  
Designed by Nibha kumari, Subhalaxmi Chaudhury
Checked by Charulata Palai
Modifications NA
1. studid Y String 9

It  stores the student id which is primary key in this table.

2. studname Y String 30

It stores the name of the student.

3. branch Y String 20

It stores the branch entered by the student.

4. batch Y Number 4

It stores the batch entered by the student.

5. address Y String 100

It stores the address entered by the student.

6. phoneno Y Number 15

It stores the phoneno entered by the student.

7. mailid Y String 50

It stores the mailed entered by the student.

Table#/Name 3/EMPLOYEE
Description Stores the information of employee
Type Master
Key(s) empid
Initial Size  
Growth Rate  
Designed by Nibha kumari, Subhalaxmi Chaudhury
Checked by Charulata Palai
Modifications NA
1. empid Y String 9

It  stores the employee id which is primary key in this table.

2. ename Y String 30

It stores the name of the employee.

3. desig Y String 15

It stores the designation (faculty/staff) entered by the employee.

4. deptname Y String 30

It stores the department name entered by the employee.

5. dateofjoin Y Date 8

It stores the date of join entered by the employee.

6. contactadd Y String 100

It stores the date of join entered by the employee.

7. phoneno Y Number 11

It stores the phone number entered by the employee.

8. mailid Y String 50

It stores the mailid entered by the employee.

Table#/Name 4/MEMBERSHIP
Description Stores the information of membership
Type Master
Key(s) memid
Initial Size  
Growth Rate  
Designed by Nibha kumari, Subhalaxmi Chaudhury
Checked by Charulata Palai
Modifications NA
1. memid Y String 9

It  stores the member id which is reffered from login table.

2. memname Y String 30

It stores the name of the member.

3. memtype Y String 10

It stores the member type entered by the member.

4. memdate Y Date 8

It stores the membership date entered by the member.

Table#/Name 5/BOOK
Description Stores the information of membership
Type Master
Key(s) bookid
Initial Size  
Growth Rate  
Designed by Nibha kumari, Subhalaxmi Chaudhury
Checked by Charulata Palai
Modifications NA
1. bookid Y String 7

It  stores the book id which is primary key in this table.

2. bookcat Y String 20

It stores the book category.

3. title Y String 50

It stores name of the book.

4. authorname Y Date 30

It stores the author name of the book.

5. Publishername Y String 30

It  stores publisher name of the book.

6. edition Y String 5

It stores the edition of the book.

7. pages Y Number 5

It stores the no. of pages in a book.

8. location Y String 5

It stores the book in a particular location.

9. bookstatus Y String 13

It stores the availability status of a particular book.

10. price Y Number 7,2

It stores the price of a book.

11. acquisitionid Y Number 10

It stores the acquisition id of a book.

12. acquisitiondate Y Date 8

It stores the date on which the book has been acquired.

Description Stores the information of transaction
Type Transaction
Key(s) memid
Initial Size  
Growth Rate  
Designed by Nibha kumari, Subhalaxmi Chaudhury
Checked by Charulata Palai
Modifications NA
1. memid Y String 9

It stores the member id which is referred from the membership table.

2. bookid Y String 7

It  stores the book id which is reffered from the book table.

3. issuedate Y Date 8

It stores the issue date.

4. duedate Y Date 8

It stores the due date.

5. returndate Y Date 8

It stores the return date.

6. fineamt Y Number 4

It stores the total fine amount.

Description Stores the information of purchase request
Type Transaction
Key(s) memid
Initial Size  
Growth Rate  
Designed by Nibha kumari, Subhalaxmi Chaudhury
Checked by Charulata Palai
Modifications NA
1. memid Y String 9

It stores the member id which is referred from the membership table.

2. title Y String 50

It  stores the book name which has to be brought.

3. author Y Sting 30

It stores the author name of the book.

4. edition Y String 5

It stores the edition of the requested book.

5. suggestion Y String 100

It stores the user suggestion for the book.

6. requestdate Y Date 8

It stores the date on which a request for a book has been made..

List Of Classes

Class # 1/ clsLoginDetails

Class # 2/ clsStudentDetails

Class # 3/ clsEmployeeDetails

Class # 4/ clsMemberDetails

Class # 5/ clsBookDetails

Class # 6/ clsBookTransactionDetails

Class # 7/ clsPurchaseRequest

Class Definitions

Class#1                                                                                                   clsLoginDetails

Attribute M/P Data Type Description/Prototype
category P String It stores the user category
userid P String It stores  user id
password P String It stores password

Class#2                                                                                                clsStudentDetails

Attribute M/P Data Type Description/Prototype
studid P String It stores the student id
studname P String It stores  the name of student
branch P String It stores the branch name
batch P Number It stores the batch of student
address P String It stores the address of student
Phoneno P Number It stores the phoneno.of student
Mailed P String It stores the mailid of student

Class#3                                                                                             clsEmployeeDetails

Attribute M/P Data Type Description/Prototype
empid P String It stores the employee id
ename P String It stores  the name of employee
desig P String It stores the designation of  employee
deptname P String It stores the department name of employee
dateofjoin P Date It stores the date of join of employee
conaddress P String It stores the contact address of employee
phoneno P Number It stores the phoneno.of employee
mailed P String It stores the mailid of employee

Class#4                                                                                        clsMembershipDetails

Attribute M/P Data Type Description/Prototype
memid P String It stores the membership id
memname P String It stores  the name of member
memtype P String It stores the membership type
memdate P Date It stores the membership date

Class#5                                                                                                     clsBookdetails


Attribute M/P Data Type Description/Prototype
bookid P String It stores the book id in the table
bookcat P String It stores  the book category
title P String It stores the book name
authorname P String It stores the author name
publishername P String It stores the publisher name
edition P String It stores the edition
pages P Number It stores the no. of pages in a book
location P String It stores the location of a particular book
bookstatus P String It stores the availability status of a book
price P Number It stores the price of the book
acquisitionid P Number It stores the  acquisition id
acquisitiondate P Date It stores the date on which the has been acquired

Class#6                                                                                clsBookTransactionDetails


Attribute M/P Data Type Description/Prototype
memid P String It stores the member id in the table
bookid P String It stores  the book id
issuedate P Date It stores  the date of issue
duedate P Date It stores  the due date of return
returndate P Date It stores  the date on which the book has returned
fineamt P Number It stores  the total fine amount


Class#7                                                                                clsPurchaseRequestDetails


Attribute M/P Data Type Description/Prototype
memid P String It stores the member id in the table
title P String It stores the book name
author P String It stores the author name
edition P String It stores the edition
suggestion P String It stores the suggestion for the requested book
requestdate P Date It stores the date on which a request has been made

List Of Forms

[F# 1/Index]

It is the home page which contains three buttons loginas,aboutus and help for all type of users.

[F# 2/LoginAs]

It contains the user category to select to enter in to the login form.

[F# 3/AboutUs]

It contains the  information about the developer group.

[F# 4/Help]

It contains the help page for the users.

[F# 5/Login]

Authorized user can enter in to the system through valid userid and password.


This form contains eight buttons such as book information, book search, book acquisition, book deletion, book issue, book return, request review,change password for the librarian.


This form displays the details of all the books.

[F#8/ Book Search]

It is used for searching the books according to the bookid, title, author, category, publication as required.


This form is used for adding book details.

[F#10/ BookAdded]

This form is used for giving a message that a book has been added successfully.

[F#11/ BookDeletion]

This page is used for deleting a specific book details by giving the book id.

[F#12/ BookDeleted]

This form is used for giving a message that a book has been deleted successfully

[F#13/BookIssue ]

This is the form contains two buttons for entering member id and book id.

[F#14/BookIssued ]

This form is used for giving a message that a book has been issued successfully

[F#15/ BookReturn]

This form contains one button called book id so that specified user’s book will be returned .

[F#16/ BookReturned]

This form is used for giving a message that a book has been returned successfully.


This is the form is used  for viewing the purchase requests made by the users.


This is the form is used  for changing the password both by the librarian and user.


This form is used for giving a message that change password is confirm.


This form contains eight buttons such as book search, issued details, fine details, purchase request, change password for the users.


This is the form is used  for viewing the issue details of a specific user by entering the user id.


This form is used  for viewing the total fine amount of a specific user by entering the user id .


This is the form is used  to send the purchase requests  by giving user id, Title, author, edition, suggestion and date of request.


This form is used for giving a message that a purchase request has been sent  successfully.


This form is used to add new user to the system by entering name,batch, branch,dept name, date of joining, userid, password, confirm password, membership type, membership date, contact address, phone no.  and email id.

Form Design Details

Index Form

Index Form

Log in Form

Log in Form

Librarians Entry Form

Librarians Entry Form

Search Form

Search Form

Book Issue Form

Book Issue Form

Book Return Form

Book Return Form

Users Entry Form

Users Entry Form

Purchase Form

Purchase Form

Change Password Form

Change Password Form

Registration Form

Registration Form

Book Aquisition Form

Book Aquisition Form

Book Deletion Form

Book Deletion Form

Issue Details Form

Issue Details Form

Fine Details

Fine Details

Request Review

Request Review

Error Code Design

These are the anticipated errors and the accompanying messages.

Error # Error Description Name of  Form
1 Invalid loginid Or password Login
2 ERROR: Same Book id Book Transaction
3 ERROR: Book  id already present Book Acquisition
4 ERROR: User id already present Registration
5 ERROR: Missing Field Purchase Request
6 ERROR: Missing Field Registration
7 ERROR: Missing Field Book Acquisition
8 ERROR: Missing Field Book Issue
9 ERROR: Missing Field Book Return
10 ERROR: Missing Field Issue Details
11 ERROR: Missing Field Fine Details
12 ERROR: Missing Field Change Password
13 ERROR: Missing Field Search

Design Of Test Cases

Test Case # Test Expected Response
1. Login: Login Form
1.1 Enter a zero length user id Enter Your Userid
1.2 Enter a zero length password

Enter Your


1.3 Enter correct login name and password User logged into system. Login form disposed.
2.Book Transaction : Book Transaction Form
2.1 Enter same book id for more than one transaction. ERROR:Same book id
2.2 Enter Book Transaction without filling member id ERROR:Missing Field
3.Book Acquisition: Book Acquisition Form
3.1 Enter already present book id for new book. ERROR: Same book id
3.2 Enter without filling any field and submit ERROR: Missing Field
4.Registration: Registration Form
4.1 Enter already present  member id for new member. ERROR: Same member id
4.2 Enter  without filling any field and submit ERROR: Missing Field
5. Search: Book Search Form
5.1 To search without any search criteria ERROR:Missing Field
6. Purchase Request: Purchase Request Form
6.1 To send a request without filling any field ERROR: Missing Field.
6.2 To leave some field empty  and submit ERROR: Missing Field.
7. Issue Details: Issue Details Form
7.1 To leave the user id field empty & submit ERROR: Missing Field.
8. Fine Details: Fine Details Form
8.1 To leave the user id field empty  & submit ERROR: Missing Field.

Scope Of Improvement

This project has a scope for improvement in the following areas

  • Currently the OLIMS allows applicants to issue books one by one.It can be bettered by allowing for multiple books simultaneously.
  • One improvement for allowing the administrator to send email notifications to user.
  • Another improvement for reserving a particular book borrowed by others currently and  cancelling the reservation made earlier for a particular book.


This Online Library Management System  will provide an automated s/w for the college library to search the books online .This Intranet based application will provide facilities to different kinds of users, which reduces the complexities arised in the “Manual Library System “ .Thus it puts an option for all categories of users to have the transaction details with added security features. This integrated system  allows both the user component and librarian component to work independently.

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