Clinic Record System Capstone Project Document


Patient record is a collection of documents that provides an account of each episode in which a patient sought treatment and received care or a referral from a health care facility. The record is confidential and is usually held by the facility, and the information in it is released only to the patient or with the patient’s written permission. It contains the initial assessment of the patient’s health status, the health history, laboratory and radiological reports of tests performed, notes by nurses, physicians, notes by consultants, as well as order sheets, medication sheets, admission records, discharge summaries, and other pertinent data. A problem-oriented medical record also contains a master problem list. The patient record is often a collection of papers held in a folder, but it may be computerized.

The patient record and information system is for student / patient in order to provide a good service medical records especially medical history that enable the system user to access the information needed and helps stores data accurately and improves data control. The system will also provide a convenient way of consultation which the nurse will input his/her remarks, medication, etc. The system will automatically count the number of disease per month based on the reason of the patient. The basic or the usual routine in recording medical history is undergoing in a long process, traditional recording of system usually includes papers, medical sheets, order sheets and is often collection of papers held in a folder. A modern way in recording patient medical history or information is highly in demand in our generation nowadays, so as the technology continues to improve, various methods of recording or keeping the medical histories are appearing. It will also describe the complete external behaviour of a system. The function and performance is allocated to software as a part of establishing a complete information description, detailed functional description, indication of performance requirements and the design. And provide appropriate information related to the requirements.

 Background of the study

Patient Record and Information System is a collection of data stored in an information chart, labels of survey, and a system that is flexible to use. It is designed to provide the user a convenient system that is useful and more effective. Patient Record and Information System is also helpful because of its features that are accurate to use in the school clinic. It will be comfortable when used, because it is personally designed for the school nurse. Maintaining a good service in a clinic is what really matters. It is where the health of every students and faculty are preserved. Make sure that every people inside the school are physically and mentally stable with the help of our clinic using the system. It is also important to have a new way of consultation and it automatically stored the data but the medical history will remain intangible / locked. And we find this system fit for our goals.

Using Patient Record and Information System can manage the health care for the patient. It also provide prescribed medication that is needed by the patient in any kind of illness as long as the school nurse could handle. And if not, the laboratory, x-ray, and etc. can be requested if necessary. This system is not only to save time or reduce cost, but also a way to improve school health care information.

On the other hand, system works to interact with the database. It should be built according to what is expected in order to implement the system. The data should be accurate when recorded in the database. Therefore, in order to get the best implementation, the system should be able to interact with the school nurse which is a good insight how Patient Record and information System work efficiently and effectively.

The system is directly looking at patient, in order to represent their information history to provide flexible and accessible information to be more reachable by the school nurse.

The system user should interact with the patient. Once the patient arrive at the clinic they must register the information needed and the health history in the system. The system will automatically update the patient information and indicate patient consultation. The nurse will specify if the case is emergency or not. After the check up the system will provide a prescribed medication for the patient. The system also has an inventory to monitor the medicines, and a table that shows the illness of patient per month.

The challenge here is how the system can manage the entire information such as patient information, patient consultation history, medication and remarks, and the monitor of every appointments. In addition, how the system can provide the accessibility to the right and accurate information for any patient in the clinic.

Statement of the Objective

          Manual recording of patient’s data can be tedious and inefficient.

Generally the study aims to:

Develop a system, which is the ABC Clinic Record system that will serve as a proposal to help the School Nurse and staff save time and resources with the daily clinic transactions.

Specifically, the study aims to:

  • To be able to record a student / patients medical history and information in the system wherein the past records of the student/ patient are locked and can`t be edited.
  • To be able to allow the School Nurse to retrieve the complete patient history instantly. Consultation is instant that indicates specific information only.
  • To be able to provide a chart that will serves as a list of patients’ reason of illness per month.
  • To be able to provide security regarding to patients’ data and records.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

This explains the variables of the study and the flow of the relationship among the system.

Scope and delimitation of the Study

The coverage of this study includes the subject particularly the nurse and the patient. Also the family history of a patient that will serve as an information guide during consultation. The proponent will provide satisfaction of service in the school clinic. The study consists in terms of subject, on how the nurse will be able to use the system. The efficiency of a system in a workplace that will takes place when used. The study covers the area of  –  Clinic. We will encircle the information needed in the place. The system will also provide the master list of patients based on their illness through table. The scope of work differs in the place of the firm particularly the School Clinic.



The study does not cover the facilities inside the clinic. The system will only works between the transaction of a patient and a school nurse. The staff inside the clinic can only access on how to set an appointment. He/she is not the same access level to the school nurse as an admin user. It also provides a calendar where you can set appointment for those patients that are not able to visit the clinic because of their busy schedule.

And in case, there will be an event held inside the campus any injury that might occur, school nurse is responsible for that. For those visitors and outsiders who will be watching an event, any kind of emergencies may occur, the clinic is open to accept and help them. But the first priority will always be the students. The consultation of those who are outsiders is not recorded because the system is exclusive only for the students.

Significance of the Study

          Everything that the proponents created has its significance and importance. This study will introduce technology to the school clinic that are until now adopting the manual method of clinic recoding management.


The importance of the patients record and information system is to help the school clinic to improve the way of recording and keeping the files, to have an organize records or medical history and to secure from unauthorized people. The school can reduce administrative costs when system is used and provide the students with an easy access, accuracy of data and quicker response by immediately getting their needed consultation.



The system user or nurse can make their reports easily, they won’t take time to locate all the files and they can track their students’ health over time. Provide a survey of student illness per month. And set an appointment directly.

Patient / Students

The system helps for students / patients is to manage & update their health status. And it’s a useful method to serve the students’ health.


Created the Patients Record and Information System to provide a fast recording of patients/students data than the current manual system.

And as for the future researchers, this will benefit other researchers who wish to have similar studies as they can get background information from the result of this study which will serve as a template to modify their research.

Definition of Terms 

To provide a clear medium of communication between the proponents and the readers, the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally.



Conceptually, administrationadministrative.

(“Admin,” n.d.)

Operationally, the superior one who access the systems.


To get information, especially when using a computer.

(“Access,” n.d.)

Operationally, a way to enter a system.


Conceptually, the condition or quality of being true, correct, or exact; freedom from error or defect; precision or exactness; correctness.

(“Accuracy,” n.d.)

Operationally, the ability to work or perform without making a mistakes.


Conceptually, can be used more figuratively to describe something that seems like it’s produced by a machine, like the speeches your principal gives every year on the first day of school.

(“Automated,” n.d.)

Operationally, not done manually. It uses technology to done the work efficiently.


Conceptually, it is to control, perform, process, or store (a system, operation, or information) by means of or in an electronic computer or computers.

(“Computerized,” n.d.) Operationally, the work is done a computer format.


Conceptually, it is the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer, being stored and transmitted in the form of electrical signals and recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical recording media.

(“Data,” n.d.) Operationally, data are the facts and information that is produced or stored in a computer.


Conceptually, it is performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry; competent; capable.

(“Efficient,” n.d.) Operationally, a way to do the work in a short time.


 Conceptually, Electronic Medical Records contains the standard medical and clinical data gathered in one provider’s office. Electronic health records (EHRs) go beyond the data collected in the provider’s office and include a more comprehensive patient history.

(“EMR,” n.d.)


Conceptually, is the carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan, a method, or any design, idea, model, specification, standard or policy for doing something. As such, implementation is the action that must follow any preliminary thinking in order for something to actually happen.

(“Implementation,” n.d.)

Operationally, Implementation is the execution of the system.

Medical Records

Conceptually, a record of a patient’s medical information (as medical history, care or treatments received, test results, diagnoses, and medications taken)

(“Medical Records,” n.d.)

Operationally, the medical records is the information or data of a patient.


Conceptually, one who argues in favor of something.

(“Proponents,” n.d.)

Operationally, a person who argues for, or support something.


Conceptually, an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.:

(“Report,” n.d.)

Operationally, an official document that gives information about a particular subject.


Conceptually, it is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. (“Software,” n.d.)

Operationally, The programs that run on a computer.


An organized, purposeful structure that consists of interrelated and interdependent elements (components, entities, factors, members, parts etc.). These elements continually influence one another (directly or indirectly) to maintain their activity and the existence of the system, in order to achieve the goal of the system.
(“System,” n.d.)

Operationally, group of related parts that works together.


Conceptually, it is someone who uses a product, machine, or service.

(“User,” n.d.) Operationally, a person that uses a thing


Conceptually, a characteristic, number, or quantity that increases or decreases over time, or takes different values in different situations.

(“Variable,” n.d.) Operationally, something that changes or that can be changed.

Review of Related Literature

Related Systems

Related Systems


This involves on combining the two or more summaries of the Related Literature and the Related Systems. The system was presented were obtained from both foreign and local system study that were made basis for the developed Patient Record System. It has also described the features that are available on the system that are not available with reflect to each other. All the related system presented has a similar to the study but most of the related systems were observed lack of security in keeping the records and the present patient record report and its preview also most of the related system has no search box. The proponents’ system also provides setting an appointment while the others system don’t. Through this review proponents were guided which of the attributes from the system would be adopted for the design and functionality decisions.


This study was oversight to assess the Clinic. It focuses on the patient record consultation, retrieval of medical history records, setting appointments, efficient way of consultation, and helping the school nurse locate the information easily.

The credibility of findings and conclusions, depended on the quality of data gathering, system design, data analysis, and collection of information. This chapter is constant to the description of methods done in order to prevail the data. How they will be interpreted and analyze. This chapter will justified of what is the means of prevailing our study. Of how it help give purpose and strength as it will then be truthful and be recognize. All these will help processing the data, the consultation of the nurse, arranging the records based on its type and retrieve the records.

Specifically, our research will cover the following: description of users, method and design of research, process of our data gathering. And the instruments used in the study. This will be presented below.



The researchers used the Waterfall Model of the Development Life Cycle because it is very simple to understand. There are six stages in Waterfall Model that flows which are so helpful for the developers, Planning Phase, Analysis Phase, Design Phase, Development Phase, Testing Phase, Implementing Phase, Maintenance Phase. Waterfall model is commonly used in smaller systems.

Planning Phase

The researchers identified the problems and difficulties that is needed to be developed. For someone to create solution to a problem and provide the requirements needed, one must know them first. So the proponents had conducted interview to the  Clinic Nurse and had found out that they are still using the manual system.


Analysis Phase   

The researchers determined and analyze the cause of the problem to be solved. And created an interview consist of questions that will structured to the respondents in order to have the accurate information based on the study. The proponents had analyzed to make the possible solution to the clinic’s problem.


Design Phase

The researchers created a design for the recommended structure of a system features and functions and a design that will provide a solution to the needs of the system.


Development Phase

The researchers elaborate all the documents in order to support the system structure. To start with, programmed the main functionalities of the system and create database.


Testing Phase

The researchers tested if it runs properly based on what we expected. Whether it suits to the needs of the clinic. The system is under improvement until all the objectives is met and done.


Implementation Phase

The researchers will device as soon as the system is ready to use for nurse and the people inside the school area. The study aims to help the school nurse and the students of the Carlos Hilado Memorial School College Fortune Town Campus regarding with the patient records inside the school clinic. The system provides service that will accommodate the user.


User’s Acceptance Survey

The primary target of the study is Implementation Phase. The researchers will device as soon as the system is ready for use. The developed system will undergo user acceptance testing by the user of the system.


Requirement Specifications:

Operational Feasibility

The system aims to develop:

  1. The Clinic Record system is a web-based system where the user can record and print the medication and information of the patient.
  2. The system secures all data and store in the computer
  3. The system allows the user to add, edit, delete and print the data.
  4. The system only allows one user access level.
  5. The system set appointment immediately.
  6. The system provides a table of illness per month.

Program Environment

Front end

The front end refers to the program which the users interact directly. To provide a user-friendly web development, the proponents had used HTML, Javascript and CSS. HTML is the language for describing the structure of Web pages. HTML gives authors the means to: Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc. Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button. Design forms for conducting transactions with remote services, for use in searching for information, making reservations, ordering products, etc. Include spread-sheets, video clips, sound clips, and other applications directly in their documents.


CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language. The separation of HTML from CSS makes it easier to maintain sites, share style sheets across pages, and tailor pages to different environments.



Is a high-leveldynamic, and interpreted programming language. It has been standardized in the ECMA Script language specification. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production; the majority of websites employ it, and all modern Web browsers support it without the need for plug-ins JavaScript is prototype-based with first-class functions, making it a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.


Back end


Is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf  in 1994, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Development Team.[6] PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but it now stands for the recursive acronym PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

PHP code may be embedded into HTML code, or it can be used in combination with various web template systemsweb content management systems and web frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in the web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server combines the results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any type of data, including images, with the generated web page. PHP code may also be executed with a command-line interface (CLI) and can be used to implement standalone graphical applications.



Technical Feasibility


The following were the minimum and recommended hardware specifications for the implementation of the system.

  • Processor : Intel (R) Pentium (R) CPU N3540 @ 2.16 GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.2Ghz
  • Memory : 204 MB RAM or higher equivalent
  • Hard Disk – 380GB or higher equivalent
  • Storage devices used for back up : 250 GB Portable drive or higher equivalent


The specification software was important for the systems. The following were the application software used by the researchers in developing the system.

  • Microsoft Office
  • Apache

System Architecture

System Architecture

System Architecture

The figure displays the structural design of the system wherein the user can have access to the server and computer. The information will save automatically to the database server and can be access anytime.

Feasibility schedule

          The feasibility schedule contains the amount of time of the proponents spent in developing the system. The proponents indicates the planning, analysis, design, development, testing and maintenance phase.

Planning Phase

Planning Phase


Analysis Phase

Design Phase

Design Phase

Development Phase

Development Phase

Testing Phase

Testing Phase

Software Development Summary

Software Development Summary

Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost and Benefit Analysis or CBA estimates and sums up the equivalent money value of the benefits & costs of the system in order to determine whether it is profitable or worth the investment.

Table 2: Development Cost

This table shows the developmental cost of the researched system. The development cost includes the programmer`s salary and the total expenditures in developing the system. The amount used for the Programmer and System Analyst were based on Job Street. (“Job Street,” n.d.)

Development cost Duration Monthly Cost Total Amount
Programmer 10 Months Php 15,000.00 Php 150,000.00
System Analyst 10 Months        10,000.00        100,000.00
Researcher 10 Months          1,800.00          18,000.00
Internet Fees 10 Months          1,299.00          12,990.00
Papers 10 Months             100.00            1,000.00
Ink                         10 Months                      70.00                        700.00
Total   =                                                                  Php 282,690.00                                                                         

Table 3: Operational Cost

This table shows the operational cost of the researched system. The operational cost covers the maintenance cost and the expenditures in implementing the researched system.

Operational Cost Duration Monthly Cost Total Amount
Electricity Bill 12 Months Php 700.00 Php 8,400.00
Internet 12 Months     1,599.00      19,188.00
Office Supplies
·         Bond paper

·         Ink

12 Months

12 Months





 Total   =                                                               Php 29,628.00


Table 4: Total Cost (Development Cost + Operational Cost)

This table shows the total expenditures of the development and operation of the researched system.

  Total amount
Development Cost

Operational Cost

Php 282,690.00


Total Cost   = Php 312,318.00


Table 5: Benefit

The Benefit Table shows the probable amount that the company may achieve if the system is going to be implemented. The proponents have researched on what are the amount of each item that will benefit the school over its traditional method per year.

Benefit of the System ( Annually )  
Work Efficiency  Php   45,000.00
Data security           15,000.00
Work management

Confidentiality of data                                   



Total   = Php 115,500.00


Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost Benefit Analysis

Shows the computation of cost each benefit analysis. Each figure has a corresponding data as shown in the table. The payback period came out as 4.62 with a ROI of 26% which indicates that the length of time required for an investment to recover is about 1 years, 2 months, and 2 days only.

Database Model

Shows the logical design of a data and describes the relationship between different parts of the data.



Shows a graphical representation of the entities, and the relationships between entities within a record system.

Data flow Diagram

Data flow Diagram

This figure shows the data of the researched system. The  Clinic Record system.

Table 6.0: Record Table

Field Name Field Type Key Description
ID Text Primary Key Determines the ID of the students.
Name Tex Name of the patient.
Course/Yr/Sec Text Determines the course of the patient.
DOB Date/Time Date of birth of the patient.
Age Number The current age of the patient.
Sex Text Gender of the patient.
Civil Status Text Determines the civil status of the patient.
Weight Text Current weight of the patient.
Height Text Current height of the patient
Blood Type Text Determines the blood type of the patient.
Religion Text The Religion of the patient
Address Text Current address of the patient which contains the street, barangay, town or city and province.
Telephone No. Number Contact information of the patient in landline.
Cellular No. Number Contact information of the patient on mobile.
Father’s Name Text   Father’s name of the patient.
Occupation Text Determines the current job of the patient’s father.
Mother’s Name Text Mother’s name of the patient.
Occupation Text Determines the current job of the patient’s mother.
Spouse Name

(if married)

Text Determines the name of the partner.
Occupation Text Determines the current job of the patient’s spouse.
No. Of Children Number Current number of children of the patient.


Text Name of the student’s parent/guardian
Relationship Text Relationship status
Tel/Cellular No. Number Contact information of the Parent /Guardian such as mobile or landline.
Personal History Text Personal history of the student.
Past Medical History Text The past medical history of the patient.
Family History Text Family history of the patient.
Personal Social History Text The personal social history of the patient.
OB Gyne History Text OB Gyne history of the patient.
Vital Signs




Text The current vital signs of the patient such as blood pressure,
Temperature Number Determines the current temperature of the patient.
General Text
Skin Text Patient’s skin condition.
Heent Text Head, eyes, ears, nose and tounge.
Chest Text Chest condition.
Abdomen Text Abdomen condition.
Extremities Text The body extremities.
Chest X-ray Text Chest X-ray result of the patient.
HBsAg Test result of Hepatitis
Others Other medical information.
Date Determines the date of the patient’s check-up.
Student’s Signature Text The signature of the student.
Nurse on Duty Text Name of the nurse on duty.
Physician Text Name of the Physician.

Table 6.1: Consultation Table

Field Name Field Type Key Description
Consultation ID Text Determines the consultation ID of the patient
Patient ID Text  ID number of the patient
Disease Text Disease of the patient
Medication ID Text Determines the medication ID of the patient
Remarks Text Remarks of the consultation
Quantity Text Determines the quantity
Date Text Date of the consultation
Due Date Text Due date of the consultation


Table 6.2: Disease Table

Field Name Field Type Key Description
Disease ID Text Determines the disease ID of the patient
Disease Text Disease of the patient



Table 6.3: Medicine Table

Field Name Field Type Key Description
Medicine ID Text   Determines the ID of the medicine
Medicine No. Text   Determines the number of medicine
Medicine Name Text   Determines the name of medicine
Category ID Text   Category ID of the medicine
Quantity Text   Determines the quantity of the medicine
Entry Date Text   Entry date of the medicine
Manufacture Date Text   Manufacture date of medicine
Expiry Date Text   Determines the expiration date of medicine

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

The figures shows the task or activity of the administrator/nurse and patient. The admin or the nurse can manage the patient records, add, view, edit, search, update, delete records and print medical reports. The patient will provide data information and can get their medical reports to the nurse.

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

The figures shows the task or activity of the administrator/nurse and patient. The admin or the nurse can manage the patient records, add, view, edit, search, update, delete records and print medical reports. The patient will provide data information and can get their medical reports to the nurse.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


In this chapter the tabular results of the User’s Survey is shown and the corresponding interpretations conducted for the Patient Record and Information System.


          The researchers select the respondents randomly and demonstrate the system to the respondents. The researchers observe the respondents based on their interest on technology, honesty and understanding of the system. After which, the researchers evaluated them using the User-Acceptability questionnaire provided and gather the data in order to work on the statistical formula afterwards.

Data Analysis

The section presents the analysis of the data collected from the respondents from the  Clinic Record system.


Characteristics of the Respondents

          This study’s population was composed of School Nurse, Staffs and patients. The researchers got 124 respondents from the clinic.


Table 7.0: Frequency of Respondents

Respondents Frequency










This table shows the frequency of the respondents who have answered the User-Acceptability Survey. The researchers got a total of 30 respondents.

Reliability Testing

The data collected and gathered by the proponents have undertaken reliability testing an acceptable approach through using the Yamanes Formula in order



Interpretation of Data

          The instruments wished to access the perception of the users in term of five (5) categories namely: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Quality, Timeliness and Productivity. The first category was composed of four (4) items, the second category was composed of three(3) items, and the third, fourth and last category were composed of four (4) items.the rating scale was 1 to 5 with 1 as very dissatisfied, 2 as dissatisfied, 3 as neutral, 4 as satified and 5 as very satisfied.

Range of Mean Verbal Interpretation
4.21 – 5.00

3.41 – 4.20

2.61 – 3.40

1.81 – 2.60

1.00 – 1.80

Very Satisfied




Very Dissatisfied

Table 8:

This table shows the range of mean and its verbal interpretation.


Question1 Question2 Question3 Question4 Total
Mean 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.33


Table 9.0: Survey Result – Effectiveness

Table 9.0 shows that the user survey result for the system’s gathered a total mean of 4.33 which is interpreted that the user was very satisfied with the system’s effectiveness after testing it.


Question1 Question2 Question3 Total
Mean 4.3 4.3 4.1 4.26

Table 9.1 Survey Result – Efficiency

Table 9.1 shows that the user survey result for the system gathered a total mean of 4.26 which is interpreted that the user was very satisfied with the system’s efficiency after testing it.



Question1 Question2 Question3 Question4 Total
Mean 4.3 4.6 4.2 4.1 4.2775


Table 9.2: Survey Result – Quality


Table 9.2 shows that the user survey result for the system gathered a total mean of 4.2775 which is interpreted that the user was very satisfied with the system’s quality after testing it.


Question1 Question2 Question3 Question4 Total
Mean 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.1 4.195


Table 9.3: Survey Result – Timeliness

Table 9.3 shows that the user survey result for the system gathered a total mean of 4.195 which is interpreted that the user was very satisfied with the system’s timeliness after testing it.



Question1 Question2 Question3 Total
Mean 4.3 4.1 4.4 4.296


Table 9.4: Survey Result – Productivity

          Table 9.4 shows that the user survey result for the system’s gathered a total mean of 4.296 which is interpreted that the user was very satisfied with the system’s productivity after testing it.


Summary of the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the study conducted, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations based on the findings of the research.

Summary of the Findings

          This study aimed to provide a convenience in the process of keeping and retrieving of records of Patient Record and Information System. It provides a convenient flow of in and out of data. Through this system, you can update directly the information of the patient, and automatically it will be added to the records, and if there’s another appointment needed you can set your schedule whenever the clinic is open.

The main problem of the school clinic is the lack of storage for all the medical records. As what the size of our clinic, and the population of the school gets bigger every year it really needs a precise storage that is convenient.

The system will be a big help for the clinic, since it will make flow of patient’s record transaction, retrieve any information, and record of all visit of the patient.


          To sum up everything after gathering the data, the proponents conclude that the Patient Record System is fully functional.

The developed system provides an efficient way to retrieve and update data precisely. The system is capable of storing data, setting an appointments, and secured every transaction made by the patient with an interaction of the school nurse.

The proponent, conclude that the system is capable of monitoring and securing information in the work environment.

The system is very useful to the desired school because it will lessen

the manual work of the School Nurse in recording the patients’ illness. This will serve as the best way to answer or to be a solution for the problems that encountering by the officer in charge.


          Based on the information gathered, it is safe to presume the user who were able to try out the system, found it as effective, efficient and productive. The recommendations are; consultation, table of illness, and in and out of medicine. The proponent will provide the said recommendation.

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