Dental Clinic Management System Capstone Project Document
Dental Clinic is an organization that is responsible in providing a health medication and treatment for all types of dental patients. Surely, everyday there are people that need to use the dental clinic services. But how can clinic provide a faster and efficient services if they are still using the traditional method on their daily operation? The traditional method means the customers need to fill in their detail in registration form manually and the information will only keep in files. After the registration, the files will be place in the rack and this will cause problems like taking a longer time to retrieve the information, make mistakes during writing or misplaced the files.
Nowadays, technology has changed many aspects of life and people’s daily life is becoming indivisible from the network due to the development of Internet. With dental clinic management system, the process gets much faster and more efficient than traditional way. Even t0hough the dental clinic had a system, but they still do not use the application. It is because there are facing several problems during process management.
As proponents, this study aims to propose the Dental Clinic
Management System specialized designed to let the clinic staff has a highefficiency management tools, computerized and systematic patient’s record, and detail of treatment records. This system also provide appointment feature, which allow staffs to view the appointment that already made by doctors. This new system will replace the current system that is used in clinic and surely this system will improve the clinic services and make their daily operation running smoothly. Patient treatment module consist the information about the tooth examination and record and list of treatment that has done. The objectives of the project are to develop decision support system for dental clinic, to improve part of record patient examination form and analysis the cause of tooth disease, prevention and treatment.
Background of the study
For the past years, technology has been building an important role in medical field. The development of information systems designed specifically for the field of medicine has offered great innovation and drastic improvement on the practice. These systems make data gathering and accessing more efficient and faster. The proponents conducted an interview and at present found out that, their recording process is still on a manual way. The problem is using manual process it takes up a lot of space the biggest downfall to manual document filing is the amount of space it can take up because the clinic is not really a large area. Prone to damage and being misplaced and hard to make changes. The study help to make a solution to this problem that the dental clinic encounters. To resolve this problem, the proponents came up to develop a the “Dental
Clinic Management System”, a web based system made for Dr. Joanne Sapotin-Lozano Dental Clinic. The advantage of this system it helps organize the filing of dental records of patients and inventories on medical supplies. This system is accurate for the dental clinic of Dr.Joanne Sapotin.
Statement of the Objective
This study aims to develop a Dental Clinic Management System that can:
a. Provide monitoring of regular patient history .
b. Generates online viewing services for patients.
c. Integrate an inventory system that can keep track of medicine or dental supplies.
2. Evaluate the usability of the system using the adopted survey instrument based on ISO 9000:2015 in terms of Effectiveness,
Efficiency, Quality ,Timeliness and Productivity.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of Dental Clinic Management System shows the IPO flow of the system and helps the users understand how the process would function. This is meant to improve the existence manual way of showing the information of Dr. JoannLuzano-Sapotin Dental Clinic.
Figure: 1.0: Conceptual Framework
Scope and Limitation of the Study
Our scope is to create a monitoring and inventory system. This system focuses on keeping patient dental records, online viewing services and inventory of dental supplies. This system also generate reports according to the needs of dentist and can view the previous and current patient records. Dental Clinic Mangement System is a web based system that enables the staff in JoAnne Luzano Sapotin Dental Clinic to encode patients dental records regarding with their cases with the said clinic. This system is designed for doctors and staff to serves as a tool to help them utilize the transaction, to organize the patient’s record, and monitoring of clinic medicine supplies in inventory .
The System is exclusively for Joanne Luzano-Sapotin Dental Clinic only. The system doesn’t cater online reservation or appointment it is only for viewing services in the said clinic. Furthermore, the system doesn’t cover the accounting and finance. It only serves as a monitoring tool and transactions for the Dentist of Dr. Luzano –Sapotin Dental Clinic.
Significance of the Study
The present study is significant to the following persons foremost of which are as follow.
Owner of JoAnne Luzano Sapoton Dental Clinic. The doctor of this clinic which is the owner itself has advantage in other clinic in using advance technology in terms of having organize , simplified but effective recording and monitoring system. This system help the doctot to review patient treatment module consist the information about the tooth examination and record and list of treatment that has done.
Patients. This study will benefit the patients for ease of access of online viewing services for effortless since it is deployed through web.
Staff. The study will benefit the staff due to technology advancement by accessing the patients transaction.
Proponents.Through this study, the proponents realized what they can contribute to identify and sustain the needs of the client. And apply what they have learned in web developing.
Future Researcher.This study will be beneficial to them in a way that it can serve as a guide for a similar system that they plan to develop and in a way that this can serve as an advance study for some clinic that using a manual process work flow.
Definition of Terms
Admin. Conceptually, a person legally appointed to manage and dispose of the estate of an intestate, deceased person, debtor, or other individual, or of an insolvent company(Wordnik, 2018)
Operationally, it is refers to the person managing or incharge in the system of the dental clinic.
Owner/Doctor. Conceptually, the term refers to a person who is able to do planning, organizing, leading, coordinating , controlling. (Fayol H,
Operationally, it refers to the person who operating the system and and doing services to the clinic.
System. Conceptually, System is standalone application which this system is just to save the data as computerized and not connected to any network .(Brown.S. J 2000)
Operationally, This system is also focuses to improved the current system in part of record patient tooth treatment.
ISO. The quality of a system is the degree to which the system satisfies the stated and implied needs of its various stakeholders, and thus provides value. Those stakeholders’ needs (functionality, performance, security, maintainability, etc.) are precisely what is represented in the quality model, which categorizes the product quality into characteristics and subcharacteristics. (Hoyle, D. (2017). )
Operationally, it is a standard that we used in conducting a survey. The standard provides a framework for organizations to define a quality model for a software product.
Review Of Related Literature
This chapter primarily presents the different researches and other literature s form both foreign and local researchers, which have significant bearings on the variables included in the research. It focuses on several aspects that will help in the development of this study. Current system of the dental clinic also has the system that can handle the process management as a computerized. But, there are a few problem during using the system and that cause they used the manually system. So, this literature review has been covered about the process of the manual system that cause the current system is difficult to use. Management system actually has been used long time ago. Every organization needs a system that can manage their data and process. In every company, keeping record are very important. For the clinic, it is very important to keep the patient record for any reference. There is some method in keeping the record such as using the manual method or the computerized method. The computerized system is better than manual system in keeping record of the patients. Hence, using the computerized system has so many advantages than the manual system. One of the advantages using a computerized system is that it is not only easy, but it also saves the time to search the patient record. If they use the manual keeping 6 record, they have a hard time to find for it. The computerized system will give the opportunity for the companies to do work more effective and efficiently if the company use it. The literature s of this study came from books, journals, article and other existing study’s and dissertations, foreign and local that are believed to be use for the advancement of awareness concerning the study. This chapter contains the foreign and local studies related to the system.
Local Studies
Computerized Patient’s Medical Record System for San Jose Hospital and Trauma Center
The study recommended that the hospital should use Local Area Network (LAN) instead of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) since there are instances that signals were not clear. The medical technician and staff are also advised to utilize the proposed system because it is more productive and more capable of delivering quality performance. (R. M. Del Rosario Jr.
Patients Medical and Dental Record System
Due to manual process, some significant errors cannot be avoided. Patients Medical and Dental Record System is a kind of system that will greatly improve the productivity of medical personnel. It provides guidance and support decision to prevent errors and effectiveness of services. This system can also provide easy data retrieval, record keeping, a quarterly and annual graphical report of health record report that is needed for decision making and a real time records for the management. The implementation of Patients Medical and Dental Record System could help the dental and medical clinic of the school for this could assist the organization to make new involvement and health programs that give exact and valuable services that are system supported decisions. (R. Alviar, 2015)
Clinic Management System in Philippines
MyKlinika is a customizedclinic management system use to organize, manage and monitor patients record as well as medicines and medical supplies inventory of the clinic. This is a cloud based application where you can manage and monitor as many clinic as you can by defining groups per site or clinic. .(Myklinika 2017)
Foreign Related Studies
Online Clinic Management System
Online Clinic Management System is being proposed and this proposed system is develop using a web-based, concept. The method used to develop the system include iterative waterfall model approach, dataflow, logical and entity relationship diagram were used to design the system. With the existence of this system the registration process would avoid data redundancy, records keeping on patient details can be find faster and time waiting for patient before received a treatment from doctor could be lessen,, this is because all manual task that happen in this system is being convert to computerized type of system. (Teke, A., Londh, S., Oswal, P., & Malwade, S. S. (2019).
Clinic Management System for Out Patient Department
The idea to build a system that is more capable in brings an effectiveness to the service of all hospitals in Malaysia begin, when the current manual system that is being used in all government’s hospitals lead to many problems and sometimes its effect the service towards patients So as a solution, computerized system such as Outpatient Management System which used the web based concept with system patient registrationand can manage patient details it can also Generate medical record should be implement because it is more efficient compared to the current manual.
(N. A. AHMAD AZUAN, 2005)
Automated System for Patient Record Management
This study is aimed to computerizing all the recordsabout patients, staff and drug suppliers. In order to achieve this goal, athorough System Study and investigation was carried out and data was collected and analyzed about the current system using document and data flow diagrams. The concept of report production has been computerized hence, no more delay in report generation to the hospital manager. Errors made on hand held calculators are dealt out completely The method used to develop the system include iterative waterfall model approach, dataflow, logical and entity relationship diagram were used to design the system and finally the language used were MySql, php, HTML,Css and JavaScript.( EILU
Related Systems
Table 1.0: Related System
The systems presented were obtained from both local and foreign system that will serve as a guide for the proposed system. It has also described the features that are available on the system that are not available with reflect to each other.
Traditional dental care, which includes long-term oral hygiene maintenance and scheduled dental appointments, requires effective communication between dentists and patients. In this study, a new system was designed to provide a platform for direct communication between dentists and patients.
All the related systems presented similar to the study but the proponents observed that some of the other system doesn’t used an automated counting in sales and inventory. In addition other system doesn’t implemented in mobile base , and printing an automated certificate for patient record.
The system that were mentioned has related features like storing of patients record and browsing history patient consultation and the features that are being talked about. Patients also achieved significant improvement in appointment reminder systems, rearrangement of appointments in case of sudden worse prosthesis, and establishment of a direct relationship with dentists. Dental Clinic Management System, provides efficient service to both dentists and patients, and helps establish a better relationship between them. It also helps dentists to arrange appointments for patients with sudden worsening of prosthesis function.
This chapter discuss about the research strategy and procedures on how the system flows and its processes and phases.
Scott Stiner (2016) state that Rapid Application Development (RAD), which in its most basic form minimizes planning and intensifies prototyping. This RAD process allows our developers to quickly adjust to shifting requirements in a fast-paced and constantly changing market and provide much quicker development and higher-quality results than those achieved with the other software development methodologies.
The fundamental for this project is to develop a management system that can be implemented and integrated in Dr. Joann Luzano-Sapotin Dental Clinic. This project will be conducted based on the Rapid Application Development (RAD) The System Development Process model is split into different phases. Basic phases of Rapid Application Development are as follows: requirement planning, Prototyping (user design and construction), Testing, and Cutover.
Figure 2.0:Rapid Application Development Mode
Requirement Gathering
In this phase, after we selected our group members the proponents assigned task and assignments to each other. After the proponents did brainstorming and discussion about the title proposal of the system , the proponent conduct interview to gathered data and information to identify the problem and the needs of the clinic.
The proponent developed a design system that well provide the manual patient recording into automated dental management system. After we come up a design and feature of the system the programmer begins developing the system. In this phase the programmer programs the system that indicates and enable the fuction of automated of dental clinic management system.
In this phase, the proponents select to used the Rapid Application Model as the effective methodology that would fit in the system and for the team. Through this model it give a better view for proponents for the overall scope of the system and its processes. After, the prototype was created the proponents demonstrate the functionalities of the system that meets the requirement on how to boost up the managing process.
In this phase,the proponents conduct study to test the efficiency and productivity of the system through purposive sampling after that the proponents tested the input and output functionality of the system to determine if the system worked according to its purpose .Testing will be done with the doctor and staff of the dental clinic required to involve in the testing phase so that they can correct any defect, test and rate their information phases on the system we provide.
In this phase, this is the implementation phase ,where it conclude the functionality of system welldone and did testing again and changeover to the new system for verification of the owner if she willing to take over or use this system for her clinic
Technical Feasibility
Table 2.0: Hardware Requirements
Software Specification
Table 2.1: Software Requirements
Program Environment
Front End
This specific language is used by the proponents to link the index in the proposed system. This language is also used to add some images such as logo, favicon, and tooth chart.
This language is being used by programmer to design the system. It gives color and used to align some table in proposed system Dental Clinic Mangement System.
Back End
Php is the language we used during our system development inorder to make useful tool to a clinic. Php serve as scipt to the program to perform what is specific needs of the clinic.
It is being used by the programmer for adding patient’s information.
And this is to simply put the function inside the system add , edit and delete. In the proposed system the programmer used this in showing sales report in the form of line graph.
This programming language as front end. It is being devised by the programmer as prompt for logging in and logging out of the system.
Architecural Diagram
Figure 3.0: Architectural Diagram of Dental Management System
In this figure the structural design wherein the admin and the staff have all access to generate the system in specific function like add,edit,delete.
Feasibility Schedule
The feasibility schedule contains record of the amount of time spent on the system and the completion dates for all major activities within a project meet organizational deadlines and constraints for affecting change.
Work Breakdown
Gantt Chart
The following table of phases manifest the Gantt chart of the tasks that have been done by the proponents with the time assign for the inception of the entire system.
Table 3.0: Software Development Summary
Average % Completed |
PLANNING | 9 | 80% |
ANALYSIS | 30 | 90% |
DESIGN | 30 | 90% |
DEVELOPMENT | 120 | 90% |
TESTING | 20 | 85% |
6 |
29 |
Table 3.1 Planning Phase Work Breakdown
MIASIS | Groupings | 11/23/2018 | 11/23/2018 | 0 | 100% |
LOTAYO,MIASIS,BATUTO | Group Discussion | 11/25/2018 | 11/25/2018 | 0 | 93% |
LOTAYO,MIASIS,BATUTO | Planning of the title | 11/26/2018 | 11/27/2018 | 1 | 100% |
LOTAYO,MIASIS,BATUTO | Proposal hearing | 11/28/2018 | 11/28/2018 | 0 | 85% |
Table 3.2: Analysis Phase Work Breakdown
Interview |
12/01/2018 | 12/03/2018 | 9 | 90% |
LOTAYO,MIASIS,BATUTO | Data Gathering | 12/05/2018 | 12/10/2018 | 5 | 90% |
LOTAYO,MIASIS,BATUTO | Working Chapter 1 | 12/15/2018 | 12/20/2018 | 5 | 85% |
LOTAYO,MIASIS,BATUTO | Working Chapter 2 | 12/25/2018 | 12/30/2018 | 5 | 80% |
Table 3.3 Development Phase Work Breakdown
BATUTO | Coding of System
Backend |
2/1/2019 | 2/9/2019 | 8 | 95% |
BATUTO | Coding of System
Frontend |
2/10/2019 | 2/19/2019 | 9 | 93% |
Table 3.4: Testing Phase Work Breakdown
MIASIS | Adviser
Consultation |
2/21/2019 | 2/21/2019 | 0 | 80% |
LOTAYO,MIASIS | Revision of Documents
And System |
2/23/2019 | 2/24/2019 | 1 | 80% |
Presentation for Final Defense |
2/26/2019 | 2/27/219 | 1 | 90% |
2/28/2019 | 2/28/2019 | 1 | 93% |
Cost Benefit Analysis
Figure 4.0: Development Cost
Cost benefit analysis or the CBA is the estimated cost and sum of the amount cost and benefits of the system, to determine whether the clinic can earn benefit from the system.
The figure above shows the developmental cost of the system that consists of the personnel and other expenses. According to Indeed which is a job finder, listed above are the cost of the programmers , system analyst, and internet service provider which is PLDT rate.
Operational Cost
Figure 4.1: Operational Cost
This table enumerate the Operational cost of the researched system. The operational cost includes the maintenance cost. It reflects the cost detail duration an cost per month and the total cost in using the researched system.
Table 4.0 Total Cost
Total | Amount |
Total Development Cost | ₱142,894.15 |
Total Operational Cost | ₱ 37,250.00 |
Total | ₱ 180,144.15 |
This Table shows the total computed amount of Developmental Cost and
Operational Cost of the researched system.
Benefit of the System
Figure 4.2 shows the computed amount of the Benefits of the system annually/yearly with this amount the system will have a great performance terms of giving the users an effective system which will cater their needs and achieve the goals of the specified system. The computed amount the clinic may benefit if the system will be implemented.
Cost Benefit
Figure 4.3: Cost Benefit Analysis
This figure shows the Cost Benefit Analysis or CBA of the proposed system. The return of Investment comes out 120%. The Payback Period was computed by taking the sum of Present Value of System Benefit (Php 151,440.00) subtracting it to the Present Value of System Cost (Php33,897.50) to get its Net Present Value(Php103,912.90) subtracting it to the Negative Value of System Cost (Php -142,894.15), and dividing the difference Net Present Value (Php 103,912.90). Resulting to 1.3751 which is rounded off to 2, making it a 2-year payback period. Payback period = Initial Investment/Cash Inflow. The ROI was computed by taking the sum of Total Present Value of System Benefits (Php 688,040.69), subtracting it to the Total Present Value of System Cost (Php312,132.90), and dividing the difference Total Present Value of System Cost(Php312,132.90).The quotient is (Php120) which is equivalent to 120% of ROI or Return of Investment. The formula that the proponents used can be seen on Table 4.3.
Entity Relationship Diagram
Figure 5.0: Entity Relationship Diagram
Entity relatinship diagram explains every relationship between tables entity and attributes. Each table has a defination that connects every table , both its primary key and foreign key. Use foreign key if the attributes of the one table have a unique id and foreign will be identified when the other attributes are in the other table. Each attributes connects in performing every process.
UseCase Diagram
In this diagram shows the following activity of the admin and the authorized staff in the system. The admin can access all the transactions that the system while registered user have authorized to view the system.
Data Flow Diagram
The flow of the system starts when the admin process reports and input the data. Next is to process information. By the time that the reports are encoded, it will directly saved into the database and ready to printed. Then, the admin generates reports of transaction and new records, and at the end of transaction that will be used in making yearly reports and graphs for the upcoming events and activities in the clinic.
Figure 7.0: Data Flow Diagram
Data Dictionary
Table 5.0: User
Table 5.1: Patient
Table 5.3: Transaction
Table 5.4: CATEGORY
Table 5.5: SUPPLIES
Presentation, Analysis, And Presentation Of Data
In this chapter, the tabular results of the Users Survey are shown and the corresponding interpretations conducted for the Dental Clinic Management System.
The proponents demonstrate the system’s functionality and usability to the selected respondents. The proponents observe the respondents based in their interest in technology and understanding in system. After observing the proponents evaluated the respondents using the purposive sampling wich concentrate on people with particular characteristics who will better be able to assist with the relevant research to provided and gather the data in order to work on the statistical formula.
Data Analysis
The section presents the analysis of the data gathered from respondents from the Dental Clinic Management System.
Characteristics of the Respondents
This study’s population was composed of Dentist ,Staff,and patients. The researchers got 30 respondents from the clinic. Table 6.0 shows the number of respondents who have answered the User’s Acceptability Survey. The Researchers got a total of 30 respondents. Out of 52 patient every month, we conducted selected 28 patients using purposive sampling.
Table 6.0: Frequency of Respondent
Interpretation of Data
The instruments used to access the perception of the users in term of five (5) categories namely:Effectiveness , Effeciency, Quality ,Timeliness, and Productivity. The first category was composed of four (4) items, the second category was composed of three (3) items,and the third,and fourth and last category was composed of four(4)items. The rating scale was 1 to 5 with 1 as poor , 2 as very dissatisfied, 3 as dissatisfied, 4 as satisfied and 5 as very satisfied.
Range of Mean Verbal Interpretation
4.21- 5.00 Very Satisfied
3.41- 4.20 Satisfied
2.61-3.40 Dissatisfied
1.81- 2.60 Very Dissatisfied
1.00-1.80 Poor
This table shows the range of mean and its verbal interpretation.
Table 6.1: Survey Results –Effectiveness
System Quality Performance Total Mean Verbal Interpretation
Effectiveness 4.3 Very Satisfied
Table 6.1 shows that the user’s survey result for the effectiveness of the system came back with a total mean of 4.3 which is interpreted as “Satisfied” which means that the end-users were satisfied with the system’s effectiveness after testing it.
The respondents stated that the system is effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome.
Table 6.2: Survey Results -Efficiency
System Quality Performance Total Mean Verbal Interpretation
Efficiency 4.5 Very Satisfied
Table 6.2 shows that the users survey result for the system’s efficiency came back with a total mean of 4.5 which interpret that the users were very satisfied with the efficiency of the system after testing. The respondents stated that the system (DCMS), has the ability to avoid wasting time and effort in generating and recording reports .
Table 6.3: Survey Results –Quality
System Quality Performance Total Mean Verbal Interpretation
Quality 4.0 Satisfied
Table 6.3 shows that the user’s survey result for the system’s Quality came back with a total mean of 4.0 which interpret that the users were satisfied with the system’s quality after testing it.
The respondents stated that the system (DCMS), meet the standards of the users in terms of its quality .
Table 6.4: Survey Results –Timeliness
System Quality Performance Total Mean Verbal Interpretation
Timeliness 3.6 Satisfied
Table 6.4 shows that the user’s survey result for the system’s quality came back with a total mean of 3.6 which interpret that the users were satisfied with the system’s timeliness after testing it.
Table 6.5: Survey Results –Productivity
System Quality Performance Total Mean Verbal Interpretation
Productivity 4.5 Very Satisfied
Table 6.5 shows that the user’s survey result for the system’s productivity came back with a total mean of 4.5 which interpret that the users were satisfied with the system’s productivity after testing it. The respondents stated that the system (DCMS) has the ability to produce a productivity result.
Table 6.6: Survey Results –Over All
System Quality Performance Total Mean Verbal Interpretation
Over All 4.18 Satisfied
Table 6.6 This table shows calculated the overall categories of the system’s acceptability and it resulted to 4.18 as “Satisfied” which means that the users were very pleased with how system had functioned in all categories given.
Summary Of Findings, Conclusion And Recommendation
This chapter presents the summary of the study conducted, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations based on the findings of the research.
Summary of Findings
This study was conducted for the purpose of for Dental Clinic here in Bacolod City, to objectively result to a effective and efficient service to the Dental Clinic. The descriptive method research was utilized and the survey technique was used for gathering data. A questionnaire served as an instrument for the collection of data.
The proponents conducted a survey to the Dental Clinic. The participants were the dentist, staff and patients. The survey was conducted after the system had all the requirements, functionalities and features embedded. The findings suggested that on the level of the user’s experience in terms of effectiveness of the system a mean score of 4.3 was obtained, interpreted as “Very Satisfied”. As to the experience of the user in the efficiency category, it obtained a mean of 4.5, it interpreted “Very Satisfied”. On its system quality category, the users, it ranked a mean of 4.0 as “Satisfied”. On timeliness category, the users gave a mean of 3.6 as “”Satisfied”. On productivity category the user gave a mean of 4.5 as “Very Satisfied”. In overall, the systems rating is collected a mean of 4.18 as “Satisfied” rating.
The proponents conclude that the system is fully operational and dynamic, as of the sum data gathered. By that, the users strongly agree that the implementation and use of the system that offers is can perform these tasks. This condition is on the premise that it has addresses the necessary automation requirement of the clinic after the thorough system study.
As the proponents had made an Dental Clinic Management System, the system shall have maintenance for every 6 months to maintain and update its functions and also for the security of its databases.
Lotayo, Jyle Vincent, P.
Batuto, John Vincent, E.
Miasis, Janine, B.
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